Jitsu Squad Summons Backers For This Sublime 2D Fighter On Kickstarter

Jitsu Squad in Kickstarter
Source: PR

Whether you’re a fan of Maximilian Dodd and Yooka-Laylee or not, the upcoming beat ’em up Jitsu Squad is a game for your watchlist, and if you’ve got a few pennies, maybe back it on Kickstarter?

Why are these characters important? Because they make up the assist feature in the game where they can be summoned to help fight the enemies – those above being the first of a possible roster of crossover characters.

Jitsu Squad - Sanshin
Summon Sanshin? Source: PR

From Tanuki CreativeJitsu Squad is a celebration of classic brawlers and arcade titles that we’re all familiar with, and the indie developer from the Netherlands are keen to share those inspirations:

Even though Jitsu Squad is a brawler, we take a lot of inspiration from games such as Marvel vs Capcom, Metal Slug, Samurai Shodown and many more. We had the idea that combining these intense fast paced games with a brawler, would really create a unique experience.

Dave Baljon, Founder and Lead Artist at Tanuki Creative Studio

A demo was launched at the same time as the Kickstarter, and this is one that has to be prioritised, methinks. Key features for Jitsu Squad include:

  • Epic Super Specials
  • 100+ chain-combos
  • Powerful in-game character transformations
  • Awesome crossover assist characters
  • Run or Dash! No walking allowed in this game
  • A wide variety of unique enemies and stages
  • Up to 4-player co-op fun
  • Unique secondary weapons for each playable character
  • Upgrade system to level up your character

You need to see this in action…

Kickstarter details for Jitsu Squad are linked above, and you’ll be able to find more about the demo from the developers’ Itch page.