John Carter Warlord of Mars Kickstarter

John Carter Warlord of Mars Kickstarter
Source: PR

It’s a real shame that John Carter the movie didn’t pick up as the source material is great. Well, Hypnotic Ants, alongside Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc. have unveiled the John Carter Warlord of Mars Kickstarter.

Written by Burroughs over 100 years ago, it follows the story of John Carter, a veteran of the American Civil War who finds himself on Mars. As you do. Well, it’s an astral projection thing.

Anyway, the game will follow Carter in 1945, where he’s on a mission to locate Hitler’s secret projects operation. He receives his instructions from Ian Fleming (creator of James Bond – the author, not his dad), and Carter promptly finds himself in Barsoom, a.k.a. Mars.

I’d like to think he would be pleased not only to see fans of John Carter play the game and step into his wondrous world of Barsoom, but also to at last set foot on the dying planet himself, with sword in hand, and have the visceral experience of being able to play one of his own heroes in the game. Doubtless, he would have been thrilled to see his immortal swordsman and the rich setting of Barsoom come alive in the John Carter: Warlord of Mars video game, exposing his creations to a whole new generation of fans.

James Sullos, President of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.

There isn’t a vid yet as it hasn’t started the campaign yet, but you can sign up for notifications accordingly.