John Rhys-Davies Reprises Role In The Lord of The Rings: Return To Moria

LOTR Return to Moria
Source: PR

You must have heard about The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria by now. If not, I encourage you to check out the opening cinematic further down the page featuring a very special guest.

Yes, in Return to Moria, John Rhys-Davies reprises his role as Lord Gimli Lockbearer – you know the chap; short and stout, there’s his handle and his spout. He also has a running bet on orc slaying with uber-blonde Legolass in The Return of the King. No? Indiana Jones…There you go, penny’s dropped.

Developed by Free Range Games and published by North Beach Games, the highly anticipated co-op survival game features the legendary actor voicing the opening cinematic and still holds the character very dear.

Actors often create characters out of love and it’s very hard, sometimes, to let them go. Certainly, Gimli is, for me, a character that I really adore, and I’m very grateful for the opportunity to reprise him in a different context.

John Rhys-Davies

Here’s the trailer in question:

Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria is due for launch on Epic Games Store and PS5 from the 24th of October, 2023. In the meantime, you can listen to the actor appear on the podcast The Nerd of the Rings.