June: Tales From Cyberspace First:Child

June Tales From Cyberspace
Source: Steam

Children of Cyberspace’s title June: Tales From Cyberspace reads like an actual passion project. Incorporating a team of architects, storytellers, artists, and programmers, this could be defined as a bona fide collective of creative types. 

But this isn’t a press release for the team, but some deets on their game, successfully funded on Kickstarter. It takes the classic ‘Hero’s Journey’ we’re all familiar with, whether consciously or not. We play June, the first child of cyberspace, ‘a non-binary entity that was born in the nebulas of the metaverse’. Thankfully nothing to do with that android who runs FaceAche.

In June: Tales From Cyberspace, players will immerse themselves in a fascinating new world that takes the real-life artwork from the contemporary artists that make up the DSLcollection. Visually, it’s stunning, as is the concept, but what about gameplay?

Several mechanics make an appearance here, from stealth play to puzzles, platforming, and more. However, the real standout here would be the overall experience and this fusion where fine arts meets gaming. It could easily get lost as a high concept idea, but I’m very hopeful of this one.

Here’s a June: Tales From Cyberspace trailer:

Anything else to add would all be speculation, so why not add it to your wishlist for update notifications?