Kaiju Commander Forecasting The End Of Humanity In 2023

Kaiju Commander Coming in 2023
Source: Steam

Despite my reasonable knowledge of Japanese, I frequently overlook the term Kaiju as a franchise such as Gundam (which I’m not a fan of). Was Kaiju Commander another game in this rather large lineup of monster-based games?

Forever immortalised in digital form (unless I don’t renew the site), I can go on record saying that I know nothing. Kaiju is the round-up term for giant monsters of Japan (they still exist – it’s true). You might have heard of Godzilla? The movie that made Matthew Broderick a household name. Ha.

Anyway, Kaiju Commander gives you control of these infamous creatures from Japanese culture and help them wipe out humanity. Finally. Most games would have you battle against these misunderstood scholars, but here, Gameparic allows you the opportunity to poo-poo all those hoomans who doubted you.

Think of it more as a management game where you control the monsters base, fiddle with their stats and appearance. If you can put a clown nose on Gojira, I will be disappointed. Still – customisation. Yay!

Here’s a Kaiju Commander trailer:

It’s early days, though, as making a game takes time. A demo version is underway, but the full release is expected in the first quarter of 2023. That’s the year after next, friends. In case your calendar is messed up.