KAKU: Ancient Seal looks familiar… that’s why – it’s the open-world caveperson extravaganza from BINGOBELL – it’s coming out of Early Access, AND it’s had a minor facelift!

An ARPG game full of tales, puzzles and epic encounters, you play as the titular hero, along with their flying companion Piggy, as they search for elemental souls under the guidance of a lost prophecy.

KAKU: Ancient Seal Early Access, Early Man
Cavemen have come a loooong way since Chuck Rock, and KAKU: Ancient Seal proves that. What a pretty game. Pretty big, too – considering that this game from BINGOBELL is in the Early Access stage, but still offers plenty of exploration in the process. You play the titular Kaku (writing this

Since Early Access, KAKU: Ancient Seal has received many improvements, such as four expansive maps and their respective biomes, three unique combat styles, improved fluidity of actions, divine powers, epic boss battles, and infinite possibilities with equipment and rune stones.

Here’s what I thought of KAKU: Ancient Seal Early Access.

KAKU: Ancient Seal will be released on PC via Steam on the 12th of July 2024.