A KAPIA Walkthrough (In Case You're Stuck)

Stuck with your pointing and clicking? Unsure on how to program a droid? Here's a KAPIA walkthrough in case you're stuck.

A KAPIA Walkthrough (In Case You're Stuck)

So, get this: I wrote this KAPIA walkthrough during my review but was too busy to edit and post it. Though I took my time to make ample notes in the moment, I’m hastily putting this together before I forget all about it.

In other words, if there are any errors, my apologies, but please let me know so I can update for other adventurers.

This KAPIA walkthrough is for the story only, not 100% achievements, so you’ll be shy of one or two. If there’s the demand, I’ll come back and edit. Intro over.

KAPIA Walkthrough


Talk to Zim and play the boxing game. 

Try on the helmet and stand near Robbi. He’ll try to escape, so take off the helmet.

Take the key from Zim when he falls asleep and use it in the door to prevent Robbi from escaping.

As Robbi access the computer and go into the Security tab, noting the power distribution: IQ 100, Lore 70, Luck 40

Access Robbi’s manual, adjust the power as above, return to the Security tab and access the new feature.

KAPIA Walkthrough - Robbi
Robbi. Source: Screen capture


Talk to the head.

Access the airplane and click on the display in the cockpit. Put your hand in the cavity and use the power bank in the hatch on the head.

Talk to the head again.

Put the recorder from your inventory on the tongue.

Use the distribution system.

Read the stories, then in dome access, press the button then enter the building via the gates.

Watch the TV (use the hand icon) and note the news ticker info at the top about the Neko recall.

Head north towards an area where chickens are in hanging cages. 

A cutscene will follow, then once you have control of Stefan, pick up the remote immediately in front of him.

Look at the toolbox in front of you, and Slug will place a wrench down. Take this and head back to the car in front of the chickens.

Interact with the hood, then use the wrench on the fusebox.

Take the powerbank.

Inspect the remote, flip it over (use the hand icon), and drag the powerbank onto it.

KAPIA Walkthrough - Powerbank
I got the power(bank). Source: Screen capture

Head South and give the remote to Pam (the human wearing a straw sun hat).

After exhausting the dialogue, head back to where you got the wrench, talk to Janis, and then the cat in the mech suit.

Return to Janis and find out about the recall of Neko cats.

Now look at the table Janis is sitting at and take the flyer. Also, look at all the pilots for an achievement(!).

Inspect the flyer through your inventory and note it has a combo lock. Input 424 (this can be seen in the TV broadcast next to the robot protesters).

Use the cat reprogrammer on the cat.

Talk to the cat and enter the following dialogue:

  • What? No way!
  • Loyal to the revolution shipmen and pilots with weapons.
  • Drake.
  • Workers.
  • The left leader must take the power.

Enter the new area and then move on to a new Reny scenario.


As Reny, head right and enter the terminal for another achievement.

Take the pirate hat on the table and head upstairs.

Open the window, then pick up Mr Bunny on the bed.

Pick up the pictures on the desk at the foot of the bed, then go downstairs.

Talk to Robbi and agree to clean the floor.

Go back downstairs, and to the left of the TV is a poker that might not be highlighted. 

Go back to Robbi by the desk and pick up the frames.

Give Robbi the rocket picture for him to frame.

Stack the images in the following order:

  • The rocket with the ladder.
  • The rocket launching.
  • The rocket in space.

Talk to Robbi again.

Take Robbi’s chair.

Drag the chair to the recipe book and take it.

Give the book to Robbi, and he’ll give you a binary recipe.

KAPIA Walkthrough - Recipe
Yum. Source: Screen capture

Place a piece of bread on the plate followed by mayo pickles, cheese, tomato, and bread.

Take the poker by the TV, then talk to Robbi.

When Robbi heads upstairs, go back to the open window and use the poker on the cable to your right.

Talk to Robbi and then head to the next scene.


After speaking with the librarian, head North and use the crayons on the ground like Hansel and Gretel.


Take the pitchfork.

Speak to Tony, the robot with the instrument for a head.

Press the traffic signal button and double click the key to collect it (if you aren’t quick enough, make sure you double-clicked to run).

Go back to the starting point and note the crayons on the floor.

As you go inside, The SLUG will speak with you.

Talk to the sailor, then use the pitchfork on the bottle.

Give the bottle to the sailor, then pick up the valve.

Go to the gate to the right of The SLUG.

Go back to the traffic signal, pass through the alley and use the wheel on the valve.

Use the master key on the terminal.

Now you can unlock the valve you’ve just connected.

Head back to the valves by the pumpkins and use the valves by the robots talking.

Set III to off and IV to on.

On the opposite side, I to off (II should be on).

The final valve VII, by the dog, should be set to on.

KAPIA Walkthrough - Valve
Something with yer plumbing? Source: Screen capture

Use the bunny on the dog.

Go inside the open gates and talk with Neko.

Look at the electric box, climb on the barrel and move to the clock. 

Set the time to 9:45, then speak with Neko again.

Go back to the clock, set it to 6:05, then open the left window.


Talk to the barkeep, then after the Keeper comes over, talk to Janis for an achievement. Go back to the barkeep and don your uniform.

Speak to the sailors, then the barkeep, then the sailors again.

Take the scoop above the sailors.

Go to the bar and inspect the tray, then take the bowl.

Head into the door to the right of the bar.

Use the scoop on the barrel.

Return the bowl to the tray, then deliver the tray to the sailors.

Talk to the barkeep for your pay. Take the coin.

Talk to the sailor at the darts and play (use the coin on them).

After losing, grab the bowl and head into the kitchen to collect the dried fish. 

Take the craps oil on the bar, apply it to the fish (in inventory view mode), and then serve the sailors.

Get more money from the barkeep and play another round of darts.

(with darts, get the gauge closest to the centre of the crosshair and initially aim for a treble 20 (the small red bar in the ’20’ segment) until you finish on zero.

Give a coin to the Keeper.

In the kitchen, speak to the Keeper, then look at the candle on the left wall.

Interact with the candle.

Go into the secret passageway.

Take the lamp.

Talk to Keeper to get a few more answers, then head right and use the lever.

Use the wrench on the lever and leave.

Interact with a valve and then speak to the Keeper for a solution.

You need to open the opposite valves she opens simultaneously (excluding the middle valve – that remains the same).

Head to the Keeper, then exit the hatch.

KAPIA Walkthrough - Pressure
Under pressure. Source: Screen capture


Walk to the left and locate the scoop. Head to the end beam and collect it.

Go to the top beam, so you’re overlooking the sailors and use the scoop on the coin.

Walk to the left again and locate the hatch.

Use the coin on the screws and go through.

Pull the switches, so they are all lit green (be quick).

Go up the ladder.

Press the button on the projector and then speak to the bridge on the right.

Pick up the cable and use it on the bridge.

Use the cable on the floor, and it’ll automatically plug into the projector.

Talk to the bridge and then climb it, pull the right lever and go into the room we last saw Stefan.

There’s a fish vending machine on the left. Use the coin on the slot, take the fish food and then the buoy.

Go into the water and use the winch on the right.

Look at the cage, pull the lever and take the key.

Go back to the platform and use the fish food on the fish.

Proceed to use the winch handle on all the winches.

Back into the water and speak with the turtle.

Inspect the keys in your inventory to separate the amulet.

Interact with the controller on the wall.

(I can’t describe this, but I experimented with the primary colours red, green and blue to wing it. Sorry.)

KAPIA Walkthrough - Primary
Primary objective. Source: Screen capture

After the turtle ride stops, click on the box.

Keep interacting with it until it lines up with the lily pads next to the turtle, then meet with Mr Bunny.

As the bunny, talk to the head. When the hatch opens, interact with it, then the recorder on the tongue.


Go to the lift and click the following icons:

  • Bottom row, furthest right.
  • Next, the two empty circles (top row, second from left)
  • Top row, second from right.
  • Bottom row, second from left.
  • Top row, second from left.
  • Bottom row, first left.

Head north and speak with the Fortune-teller.

Use the ladder and place the key inside.

Try talking to the Fortune-teller once more.

Take a step from the ladder you just used and place it in the ladder to the left.

Climb and take the cart.


Follow the Keeper and speak with the grandson at the organ.


Head right and take an apple.

Keep going in the same direction until you spot Stefan and use the apple on him.

After speaking with Abie as Stefan, walk back with Reny to collect some pillows. Use them with the ball on the shelf.

Walk left and collect the mop, then use that with the ball.

Pick up the ball and place it on the ball holder.

Access the terminal and read the logs.

KAPIA Walkthrough - Mother
Mother? Source: Screen capture

Access the fire birds protocol and as per Mother’s guide, select the following:

  1. Opens up the cage
  2. Leave the cage
  3. Find an open flame
  4. Hang in the air

Click print.

Exit the terminal, then take the punched card from the terminal and the handle above.

Run left until you reach the cage and insert the handle (into the buttons) followed by the punched card.

Head back to the stairs, Reny couldn’t descend.

Run around to the organ and use the recorder in it.

As Stefan, intervene.

Pick up the recorder as Reny.

Use the recorder on the organ.

As Reny, activate both pipes.

…and that’s it! Apologies it isn’t for 100% achievements as I have limited time to go through the games and then write them up. I’m just short of a couple, so if you keep a tab on things, you should be able to mop them up with your playthrough – one I missed includes talking to Bunny through the inventory, so experiment!

Not got the game yet? Bit weird that you read this first… Here’s a link to the Steam page.

KAPIA Walkthrough - How will it end
How will it end? Source: Screen capture