Got Something Nice To Say? Consider Kind Words 2

Kind Words 2
Source: Steam

News about Kind Words 2 has been sitting patiently on a tab on my laptop for a few days now. Wouldn’t it be nice to give it some attention with its very own bona fide post? Let’s throw some complimentary words at it.

Developed by Popcannibal, this community-based game is unlike anything I’ve ever heard of. The slogan is ‘lo-fi chill beats to write to’. Everyone has that channel on YouTube, right? And I guess everyone is a writer, right? The premise of this game is different from the sort of thing you’ll see in the comments section on YouTube.

We made Kind Words 2 because there aren’t enough online spaces where strangers can be fearlessly open and caring without worrying about likes, subscribes, followers, and any other garbage that gets in between people just talking to each other.

Ziba Scott, founder of Popcannibal

In Kind Words 2, you anonymously respond to strangers’ worries with some comfort. With over five million letters of kindness in the first game released in 2019, the developers thought it was time to share the love again, only with a bit more polish and extra cosiness

Key features include:

  • Real people. No bots. Totally anonymous. No user ids or personal info collected or allowed.
  • Good vibes.
  • Original soundtrack by Slay the Spire and Kind Words 1 composer Clark Aboud.
  • All your Kind Words 1 letters, stickers and rooms are back with a new coat of paint!

Here’s the announcement trailer:

Kind Words 2 is coming to Steam in 2024. In the meantime, you can check out its predecessor. It’s already on my wishlist for when there’s a bit of downtime.