Kolumno Making Columns More Fun Than A Spreadsheet Convention

Kolumno Making Columns More Fun Than A Spreadsheet Convention
Source: Nintendo

I don’t know what captured my attention more; the zen-like minimalism of puzzler Kolumno, or that it’s published by Flynn’s Arcade. You mean he’s still trapped in the game!?

Due for release on the Nintendo Switch just in time for Chrimbo, this puzzle title relies on ‘intelligence, planning and patience’. That’s me out on the first two then, but I’m game nevertheless.

The setup is simple enough as you have to guide a ball down an intricate moving column, but like the Japanese say wabi-sabi, there’s a complexity in simplicity, so don’t expect Kolumno to be a cakewalk.

Kolumno - Simplicity
Simples. Source: Nintendo

Perhaps what makes this a unique puzzle, like the rather excellent SEN – Seven Eight Nine or recent Splashy Cube, this game has another ace up its sleeves as it tests your reflexes too, so this isn’t a game to kick back to, but be tested in a fun way. Perhaps that zen-like comment was premature.

Kolumno features the following:

  • 4 different items that give great depth to the puzzles.
  • 75 levels full of challenges.
  • Elegant graphics and sound.
  • Easy to control, difficult to master.

…and you can view the trailer here:

I think this game from Devillish Games (of King Lucas fame) looks gorgeous and keen to play when it’s released on the 24th of December 2020.