Kosmokrats Unites The People And Potatoes Next Month

Kosmokrats Unites The People And Potatoes Next Month
Source: PR

Kosmokrats gets a release date on one of the most memorable dates for politics on.. remember remember.. oh yes, the 5th of November, for the PC via Steam.

Pixel Delusion and Modern Wolf are releasing the people’s adventure next month. It follows the story of ‘a humble potato peeler whose duties are suddenly upgraded to ‘comrade drone pilot’ to begin assembling and building space stations in a series of construction solving missions’.

Narrated by the wonderful Bill Nighy – Billy Mack to married gamers of a certain age or Davy Jones to Pirates of the Caribbean fans,  Kosmokrats is a game about building and maintaining a fleet of drones and keeping fellow cosmonauts safe

Kosmokrats - Recruits
Recruits! Source: PR

Key features in Kosmokrats include:

  • Build a mighty fleet: Use the most cutting edge drone technology of the 1960s to master the puzzle-like process of assembling spaceships in orbit: simply push and pull the spaceship parts together in zero gravity. Just make sure you’re lining up the right connectors, comrade. And don’t take too long. Or squish too many brave cosmonauts.
  • Live a heroic narrative: The story of the people’s colonization of the solar system and beyond is full of interesting characters and even more interesting decisions! No two play-throughs will be the same, and every action you take — from accidentally killing cosmonauts in “workplace incidents” to failing to correctly assemble spaceships — will have repercussions that you and the fleet will feel sooner or later.
  • Become a citizen of the stars: In Kosmokrats you will earn medals to display in your awards cabinet, read the very accurate Official Party newspaper, entertain yourself between missions with your state-of-the-art Я-Box games console, adjust the game’s difficulty level with the help of vodka, and more.

You can catch a trailer below:

Kosmokrats is out on Steam on the 5th of November. You can watch this space for a review nearer the time.