Lacuna Prologue Available To Play On Steam Now, Full Game Next Month

Lacuna Prologue out now
Source: Steam

If you were to ask me who were the powerhouses in the world of adventure games right now, at least two of them would be from two of my favourite German publishers – one of them is Assemble Entertainment. Their new free-to-play Lacuna prologue is available now on Steam.

This Lacuna prologue is the build-up to developer DigiTales Interactive’s new sci-fi noir coming to Steam next month. There’s a full hour of gameplay on offer with the demo, which I’ll be playing as soon as possible.

Lacuna Prologue - CDI
CDI. Source: Steam

As a massive fan of the point and click, anticipation for this is… hold on a sec. Note that while this appears to be a traditional adventure, the developers have decided to be more dynamic with the experience with ‘dynamic conversational choices, story-driven mysteries, optional interactables, multiple unique endings, and a story that marches onward in spite of obstacles’.

You play CDI agent Neil Conrad. I want to say that’s Philips CDI, but instead, he’s a Central Department of Investigation chap. After being called into a gruesome murder case, he has to put the pieces together but being methodical in the approach as there are consequences for his actions. YES!

Here’s the Lacuna prologue trailer

Grab the Lacuna prologue now, and while you’re there, make sure to wishlist it too. Link below. The full release is expected on the 20th of May.