Laika: Aged Through Blood Will Be Out For Vengeance... Soon

Laika: Aged Through Blood
Source: Steam

A motorbike Metroidvania? What an unusual concept Laika: Aged Through Blood is. Motorvania, you say? Very clever Brainwash GangVery clever. It’s a great idea, it looks super, super slick, and it’ll be coming to PC and consoles. Soon.

Published by Thunderful, our adventure takes place in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. With a zest of Mad Max, you play as a mother coyote warrior (Laika) who sets out on a path of vengeance and ‘take back what her people lost’.

Our motorised take on the metroidvania formula makes it unlike any other game out there and in combination with our art style, story and characters, we hope players will fall in love with Laika like we all have!

Ivan Papiol, Artist at Brainwash Gang

Key features in Laika: Aged Through Blood include:

  • Vehicular combat on a fast and agile motorbike.
  • A beautiful, hand-painted and post-apocalyptic world.
  • A deep story about a mother-daughter relationship, vengeance and loss.
  • A varied world, epic boss battles and loads of missions.
  • The very first MOTORVANIA!

It sounds cool, but how does it look?

Laika: Aged Through Blood is ‘coming soon’, but don’t get your knickers in a twist – add it to your wishlist for updates, or watch out for future articles once we get a release date. Possibly even a review…