Lilith Odyssey Out For PC In May 2021. The Galaxy Is Your Oyster

Lilith Odyssey Out For PC In May 2021. The Galaxy Is Your Oyster
Source: PR

Do you recall The Great Nacho Wars? Me neither, that’s because it hasn’t happened yet. Still, if you want to take a look into the future to see how the other half live (the future people), consider Lilith Odyssey, coming to the PC.

Before I read the news about the game, I watched the trailer and immediately thought that this tale about finding a new home for your alien family looked a bit like No Man’s Sky. Works out from the press material that Chaystar Unlimited (Twitter link) was going for that kind of depth. It worked!

Lilith Odyssey is a survival strategy game that boasts over a 1000 worlds to explore, in a charming low-poly aesthetic. Unfortunately, a corrupt galactic government is sapping all life resources, so many families are upping and leaving their space digs for pastures new.

Lilith Odyssey - The Lux Volara
The Lux Volara. Source: PR

Exploration is encouraged as you fly through space, riding on solar rays, managing supplies and protecting against space and ground-level threats. There is a beginning and an end to the story, but you do have some flexibility in getting there.

Features in Lilith Odyssey include:

  • Outfit space sailing ships, chart a course along solar highways, and beam down to more than 1000 possible planets, moons and asteroids along the way. Each world is procedurally generated with its own blend of biomes, weather, animals, civilization (sometimes hostile) and topography.
  • The galaxy holds its own intrigue – various space businesses and star malls offer unique items and services while monuments hold clues into the galaxy’s history.
  • Researching survival technology, defenses and weaponry for planets and cosmic travel helps advance and protect player economies from ground-level and space raiders alike.
  • With a moment to rest, turn up the Grand Theft Auto-inspired radio station – the game’s original soundtrack that includes more than 80 minutes of “hit songs,” DJ segments and ads that are completely unique to the Lilith Odyssey universe. (You can get an Ad-Free upgrade to the radio if you want just the tunes.)

How about watching a trailer?

You can wishlist Lilith Odyssey now on Steam. To save you the typing experience, here’s a link to the Steam page. The launch date for the game is currently set for May 2021.