Little Bug Release Date... Swinging Onto Consoles

Little Bug Release Date... Swinging Onto Consoles
Source: PR

While the title Little Bug doesn’t stand out, just a quick view of the trailer should be enough for any platform fan. Especially for those who can multi-task, co-ordinating two playable characters using physics.

Those physics use a swinging mechanic so that you can control Nyah and her spirit companion in a dangerous world occupied by a pink spirit. That might not sound too threatening, but all will be revealed.

As well as the physics elements, the pair can use a telekinetic beam, allowing Nyah to traverse to new heights. Developed by Buddy Steam and available on Steam, RedDeer Games will be launching Little Bug on consoles.

Watch the Little Bug video here:

When I know of the Little Bug release date, and the respective platforms, expect to see more write-ups.