Love 3 Precision Platformer Offers 5 Levels In Playable Steam Demo

Love 3 Precision Platformer Offers 5 Levels In Playable Steam Demo
Source: Steam

Love 3 looks like a game from the 80s; one of those titles you chuck in the Spectrum tapedeck, wait an hour for it to load, then refuse to exit the game seeing as it took so much time.

That’s was usually the motivation for sticking with a game, that, the lack of funds for a new one, but perhaps it was about improving your skills.

Love 3 - Demoing some precise moves
Demoing some precise moves. Source: Steam

Love 3 is a modern platformer, so no worries about load times, but more importantly, it’s a precision platformer – assumedly with controls tighter than a duck’s arse.

Screenwave Media Games and Mokuzai Studio (solo dev Fred Wood) have just announced this on Steam as a playable demo; one that boasts the following:

  • Precise controls with challenging obstacles to overcome
  • 5 levels, each with secrets to discover, and original bespoke music tracks by James Bennett
  • Unique respawn mechanics that let you set your own checkpoint
  • Authentic retro visuals with inauthentic mechanical solidarity and performance

Watching the Love 3 trailer before reading the above, besides the retro visuals, the soundtrack was great, and if it’s anything like in the trailer, it will be awesballs.

Pick up your FREE Love 3 playable demo from Steam now. I’m downloading mine now…