Got Wood? Lumberhill On Switch This Month

Lumberhill (PC Review) - Zen
Zen. Source: Steam

Fans of the Overcooked series and similar should check out Lumberhill as it hits the Nintendo Switch this month, and in my opinion, one of the best in the genre.

You play a lumberjack (if you hadn’t guessed) and must multi-task your logging duties and hand wild animals. You’d think that the game might only be restricted to a particular woodland type, but the game will take you worldwide, introducing new tools, creatures and hazards along the way.

Lumberhill is best played with others, and on the Switch, you can play with up to three friends online or local co-op, or possibly PvP. For grumps like me, this is one of the best games of its type for solo play. It’s not remotely easy, but doable.

Here’s a snippet from gameplay:

Lumberhill is already available on PC (you can read my review here), but it’ll be on the Switch from the 15th of April, courtesy of All in! Games.