Lumencraft Will Light The Way For Humanity During The Steam Next Fest

Lumencraft Will Light The Way For Humanity During The Steam Next Fest
Source: Steam

I’m starting to feel the pressure of having a clean desk for the imminent Steam Next Fest, but games like Lumencraft just keep getting added to the pile, will there be any time?

Well, make time! Looking like a revamped Alien Breed (YES!), Lumencraft is a top-down shooter that fuses survival and, here we go – tower defence mechanics, and it’s heading to Early Access.

Lumencraft - Manic miners
Manic miners. Source: Steam

From 2Dynamic Games and Star Drifters, the goal is to steam through hostile subterranean surroundings, interacting with the environment and terrains that are fully destructible, and a dynamic lighting system. 

Set in 2221 (so we need not worry about our future…yet), humanity struggles to survive without light and electricity. However, the discovery of Lumen gives a beacon of hope, so as a team of Scouts (not them), you head deep below ground to salvage the material, but so far, nobody has lived to tell the tales of these excavations…

Key features in Lumencraft include:

  • Defending an underground settlement by direct combat and the use of a wide array of turrets. 
  • Highly efficient and immensely satisfying digging mechanics.
  • Explosive weapons. 
  • Dynamic lights and pixel-perfect interaction with the fully destructible terrain.
  • Atmosphere of dread created through the impactful sound design and a unique 2Dynamic lighting system.
  • Tech tree that gives you a strong feeling of progression.
  • Realistic physics simulations (just look at the lava!).

Here’s a trailer for Lumencraft:

As a massive Alien Breed fan, I’m super stoked about this one and pleased to say that it’ll be available as a demo during the Steam Next Fest. For more details, check out the Steam store page below.