Madmind Studio Announces MADNIGHT 2023: Horror Showcase

Madmind Studio Announces MADNIGHT 2023: Horror Showcase
Source: PR

Madmind Studio is back again to disgust us with another announcement of a new horror IP – no, wait – it’s an announcement about a horror showcase in December. At least that has a date attached.

Each time I see the studio’s name, there’s another game mentioned, like Tormentor, but there isn’t a date attached, and that hype machine sets itself in motion, but I’m by the side waving it goodbye.

Yes, it’s unlikely I’ll be getting any review codes for their games (who knows when they’re out?), but I bought Agony and played Succubus and was impressed with the visuals and disturbing content. Not that I get off to that, but it’s unique.

Anyway, check out the confusing trailer title below (Paranoid looks impressive):

Chances are these games will come out in 2024, but that shouldn’t stop you from having a look-see and getting excited about their upcoming titles. Ya sicko.