Man Without Organs Now On Kickstarter

Man Without Organs in Kickstarter
Source: Kickstarter

Could this be a sim management title where you play the music man without his pianos? No. Man Without Organs is an upcoming solo project, now on Kickstarter.

A 2D detective adventure from developer Navi, you play the title character whose body is hollow inside. Set in Hong Kong, you interact with the deceased, restoring ‘pre-apocalyptic memories of the city’, investigating why the city has been destroyed.

Man Without Organs - Riot
A riot, but not in the fun sense. Source: Kickstarter

Each memory in Man Without Organs comes from individuals, allowing the player to see from a different perspective. 

Key features include:

  • Solving Riddles Embedded in the Story – Deceased souls wander in the ruin where remnants scatter. Man Without organs allows different characters to interact with the remnants by integrating itself with their souls. Only when the characters match the items belonging to them will the memories be available for viewing. By viewing the memories, leads which help put stories back together will be revealed, thus helping the player to access the main story arc.
  • Viewing Memories – In the game, the player can view the memories collected, with the abilities to fast-forward, rewind, pause and continue viewing. Every single detail in the memories could be the key to solving riddles.
  • Time Travelling – The story of “Man Without organs” begins in a ruined city. However, almost every single scene has multiple points in the past back to which the player can travel. Through the memories belonging to the deceased souls and various items, the player can journey through different periods before the city has fallen and learn of what happened in the time.
  • Becoming Part of the Memories – Man Without organs not only can restore the memories, but also become part of them by playing the roles of certain characters. If the characters possess memories of an item, Man Without organs will be able to dive into the memory.
  • Developer – Navi, a game designer from Hong Kong, currently the solo developer of “Man Without organs”. He was forced into exile in 2019 and has been granted asylum in Canada.

The goal of Kickstarter is to secure funding and more game developers. Check it out on the official Kickstarter page.