Martha Is Dead, But She'll Have To Wait Until 2021

Martha Is Dead, But She'll Have To Wait Until 2021
Source: PR

A first-person psychological thriller, Martha is Dead is an exciting title heading to PC and Xbox Series X in 2021.

Set in 1944, and with the war drawing closer to the Italian countryside, a woman’s corpse is found drowned and defiled by the side of a lake, and her twin sister is left to pick up the pieces.

Martha Is Dead - War draws near
War draws near. Source: PR

Published by Wired Productions (Deliver Us To The Moon), this next-gen title is looking stunning in its current form. Developed by LKA – behind another psychological title, The Town of LightMartha is Dead uses real work locations and is intertwined with historical events, as well as drawing upon folklore.

At LKA, we start with a story. Often it’s uncomfortable, not painless and based in truth. We learned a lot with The Town of Light, and Martha is Dead is taking everything we know, and turning it up to 10.

Luca Dalco, Founder & Director, LKA.

Check out the trailer below:

2021 isn’t that far away, so exercise a little patience until you can explore the world of Martha is Dead. In the meantime, wishlist it on Steam now.