Midautumn Funds Faster Than Imagined

Midautumn Funds Faster Than Imagined
Source: Steam

Am I the only person who loves Autumn? Well, as the promo material uses Hades as a comparison to Midautumn, this Kickstarter may reach its goal faster than you can say Asian diaspora. It’ll also make more people fond of Autumn. Ish.

It reached 13% of funding in 3 hours, and at the time of writing, it’s 50% in with plenty of time to go. That shouldn’t stop you rushing to the campaign page and investing your pocket money so you can tell your mates that you were an associate producer.

Midautumn - Whatever, Gina
Whatever, Gina. Source: Steam

Midautumn by Team Midautumn (Twitter), is a supernatural title using ‘lo-fi pixel art and psychedelic spell effects’. Sounds trippy. Your character is Robin Lam, a college grad going nowhere in life fast, that is until their grandmother reveals the very real Spirit World, and Robin is destined to become its protector.

A unique mechanic allows players to tinker with how much damage they take, no longer deterring those who think rogue-lites are more challenging than marriage (they aren’t). The game is currently doing the circuits, getting exposure, but based on the hype already, this looks like it’ll get a HUGE fanbase.

Here’s the Midautumn campaign:


Even better, you can play the demo as it’s currently in the Early Access phase on Steam.