Mini Maker: Make A Thing Trailer Revealed

Mini Maker: Make A Thing Trailer Revealed
Source: Steam

The opening line of ‘bad news, perfectionists’ immediately drew my attention to the Mini Maker: Make A Thing trailer. As a recovering perfectionist (half-serious), I can sense that this upcoming simulator will be the end of me, as well as a few others who like to fiddle.

But before we get to any hairy-palmed references, that fiddling is model making as Casa Rara’s title will allow you to make any thing, using ‘an arsenal of plastic limbs, wonky tools, rainbow stickers and googly eyes to assemble creations’. If you’re the type who’s been meaning to do something creative but never have the time, then keep an eye on this.

Besides the assumed freedom to do as you please, Mini Maker: Make A Thing also has a client list, like many other simulators such as Aquarium Designer – hint hint – as you’ll need to meet their demands as well as your own high standards.

Here’s that Mini Maker: Make A thing trailer I’m referring to:

Due to launch on PC via Steam in 2022, make sure to wishlist it to get the updates on a release date, but I’ll aim to post details here as this looks awesome.