Modern Wolf Sci-Fi Double-Bill Incoming

Out There Oceans of Time - Cubes
Source: Steam

Two Modern Wolf titles for each eyeball? Christmas is approaching, as is the first title is Mechajammer. In February, the second, Out There: Oceans of Time, will be released.

Announced during The Mix at the weekend, Mechajammer is a cyberpunk horror CRPG set on the jungle planet Calitana, and developed by Whalenought Studios. You’ll recruit a band of mercs – with character creation whoop whoop! – forming squad-based assaults in this tactical sci-fi game.

With your bunch of anti-heroes, you’ll have to ‘gather rumours, bribe enemies, and earn trust through completing missions’. Best of all, the story evolves based on your decision making.

Mechajammer will be released on the 2nd December 2021.

Next up in this Modern Wolf 2-for-1 is Out There: Oceans of Time, the follow up to 2015’s Out There. Developed by Mi-Clos Studio, Goblinz Studio and Fractale on publishing duties, it’s another sci-fi affair but a rogue-like resource management experience.

The goal here is clear but not necessarily an easy feat. You play as Commander Nyx, who must search the cosmos for cosmic villain The Archon. During this quest, you’ll build a rapport, conduct trade, exude diplomatic prowess and recruit new members.

Out There: Oceans of Time appears to be quite the adventure. Its predecessor is not one I’m familiar with but has got my attention as I’m sure it has with you.

This title is set for a February 2022 release date, but the kind folk at Modern Wolf have released a playable demo on Steam in the link below. Both titles will also be available on GOG and Epic Games Store.