Monster Master - FPS Vs RTS In Kickstarter Now

Monster Master In Kickstarter
Source: Steam

Not one for online multiplayers, but all for sharing news on some decent games, Monster Master is one such title for the PC that’s currently live on Kickstarter.

From independent studio Flatfish Games, three FPS players face up against just one RTS player who controls a horde of monsters in a ‘Stephen King novel-like setting’.

Monster Master - RTS
RTS. Source: Steam

The aim is to scavenge for weapons to tackle the monster master of the title before they grow in such power that they dominate. It’s all about survival, then using an offence as your defence, or the hunters become the hunted.

Key features in Monster Master include:

  • Online multiplayer 3 vs 1 asymmetric PVP (FPS – vs -RTS)
  • Pick your RTS army from different monsters, mutations, summons, traps & hazards
  • FPS Heroes with Signature Weapons along with Two Abilities to use
  • Stephen King, Carpenter & Spielberg inspired horror universes.

The success of the Kickstarter campaign will determine the costs that are going into the production. For further details, check out the Kickstarter campaign below.