Mosaic Release Date Announced For Nintendo Switch

The latest release date for the Switch version of Mosaic has been announced. Read the piece for an ickle bit more.

Mosaic Release Date Announced For Nintendo Switch

You know that I’m an adventure fan by now, right? You also know that I’ll only really cover news I’m interested in, so let’s begin with something that I’m pretty stoked about and that’s Mosaic from Raw Fury and Krillbite Studio.

I do love it when a plan comes together game isn’t typically black and white. Sometimes things aren’t as simple as that, so I like to adopt the ‘grey’ approach and interpret things how I see fit. Until they merge into black or white. Mosaic appears to be a world of ambiguity, finding yourself to be alone in a crowded city of people.

Rather than regurgitate something that’s already been perfectly written, here’s a direct quote from the source:

Enter a world that is both utterly surreal and eerily familiar. Mosaic offers a strange experience about urban isolation, delves into our relationship with modern tech, explores the feeling of being a tiny piece in a massive incomprehensible machine, and the longing for something more in your life.Mosaic Corp

The game is already available on PC, but without ruining the anticipation I have for it, I’m going to wait for it to come out on the Nintendo Switch. It’s available for other platforms too, but as it’s apparently a 2-3 hour playthrough, this is something I may end up playing multiple times and on the go.

If the game is that short, I’ll save my word count for the review when I get to it. In the meantime, for those who want to pre-order it now, you get a host of goodies with the console release:

  • The base game
  • The digital soundtrack
  • A premium Love™ account
  • A deluxe in-game phone cover
  • The executive tie cosmetic
  • Less “ads” in BlipBlop

For the rest of us, the official release is 23rd January 2020, and this is likely to be at the top of my list, so expect a review in due course.

As of now, I’ll leave you with the trailer: