Moving Out Announced For April 2020

Moving Out Announced For April 2020

Team17, that powerhouse of a publishing house that released some of the best titles when being spoonfed Amiga games has announced a new addition to their current line up of console titles, Moving Out.

On first impressions, Moving Out looks a little like Overcooked!, only a third of the way into the trailer, it’s clear this is a unique title and it looks fantastic. It’s not the kind of game I would necessarily go for, but looking at the ingredients of Team17, co-op play and a sensible approach to lifting: bend at your knees and not your back, this looks like a title I’ll soon be bookmarking in my wishlist.

Moving Out - Chuckle Brothers
The Chuckle Brothers memory lives on. Source: PR

It’s being touted as a simulator, but this always gives the impression of realistic and somewhat serious. From what one could surmise from the visuals, this looks quite comical, but even a quick glimpse at the physics gives indicates that this could be far more true to life than expected. As long as there’s no stubbing of toes or falling outs with family members, Moving Out looks like like a great concept for co-op play.

Adding a little more on that, the publishers even put a bit of emphasis on ‘couch co-op’ as this will be one of the very many items you’ll be expected to move, including locations in space, customisable characters and over 50 levels to play in.

There’s only a brief(ish) wait as Moving Out comes out on the 28th of April for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC so there’s no excuse why you can’t play this title.