Hold The Salt, Mr Prepper's Out On PlayStation

Mr Prepper Review - Quick inspection day tomorror
Quick! Inspection tomorrow! Source: Steam

Mr Prepper wasn’t going to get review treatment here, but I just don’t have the time to play it. Besides, I’ve already reviewed it – would it be that much different on console? Perhaps.

If you’ve been living underground, Mr Prepper gameplay is about survival in a fictitious environment. You play the titular, brown leather jacket-wearing hero that is on a mission to build an underground bunker and a rocket silo so he can escape an oppressive government. Don’t read too much into it. 

This crafting title from Ultimate Games is a good ‘un, and I very much liked the grind of sourcing material and building an array of supplies under the nose of a local government agent. The news update reflects on the PS4/5 version, which is out now.

Here’s the Mr Prepper trailer: