Necrobarista Wakes Up To Smell Tomorrow's Coffee

Necrobarista Wakes Up To Smell Tomorrow's Coffee
Source: PR

Necrobarista is a visual novel set in a café that serves as the waypoint between the land of the living and the dead, out tomorrow on PC.

My mind goes forth in so many deviant directions with Necrobarista, but what it says on the label is ‘a tale of mystery, magic, and, depending on who asks, the best/worst coffee around’.

As a relative newcomer to the coffee world, I was perhaps expecting pretentious hipster snobbery, but instead, it’s a gorgeous looking cel-shaded visual novel from Route 59 Games.

Necrobarista - Buddy
Hey, ol’ pal. Source: PR

Make no mistakes, visual novels aren’t my cup tea (eh, eh?), but this is a title I’d like to get my hands on as story is usually my muse, and the plot in this game, complemented by the enchanting visuals, looks like a treat.

You play as Maddy, an apprentice necromancer who takes ownership of The Terminal – a café that operates as the waypoint between the lands of the living and the dead. Like a barista version of Grim Fandango?

Necrobarista is an extra-caffeinated blend of our love for games, anime, and our hometown 

Kevin Chen, lead designer, Route 59 Games

Necrobarista may be the title that ups the bar on visual novels as the game ‘moved beyond text boxes, making the narrative central to each scene with collectable keywords fiving further insight into the characters and themes of the world’. 

Perhaps it’s the evolution of the visual novel and point and click combined? *wipes away drool*

Here’s a taster of this beautiful world:

Out on Steam tomorrowNecrobarista will also be coming to the PS4 and Switch in 2021.