Neko Ghost, Jump! Coming In 2020

Neko Ghost, Jump! Coming In 2020

Just the pussy we’ve been looking for, and many other cat puns to hopefully follow, Neko Ghost, Jump! is coming to the PS4 (and the Xbox One and PC) later this year. So what’s it all about?

You play a cat named Nekoman and must save your animal chums from the clutches of Space Pirate Dog Boss. I know, right? I went to school with someone with the same name and he was a complete dick.

Neko Ghost Jump - Pirates
ARR! Ain’t that cute? Source: PR

Anyway, the skinny on Neko Ghost, Jump!, a platform puzzler, is you can switch between 2D and 3D perspectives. Neat, huh? I’ll paws for a moment so you can take that in. I was going to use pawesome, but that would have been lame. If you take anything away from this news piece though would be the fact that it is made by one developer, Burgos Games, and you’ll know that I’m in awe of these people.

But, let’s judge a game on its own merits and not jump the gun just yet. No release date has been confirmed for Neko Ghost, Jump!, but there is a trailer out and I suggest you have a look at it, bookmark it/chalk it in, ready for launch day.

Once there’s more information, we can revisit it here in the news, and cat-ch up later. Eh? Eh? Alternatively, have a look at the official site for future updates.