Neon Blood - A Tale Of Two Cities? 

Neon Blood coming in 2023
Source: PR

Wooo – dystopia! Bring it on! As the momentum train shifts gear again for the cyberpunk locomotive, Meridiem Games does its thing by publishing the upcoming Neon Blood for PC and consoles next year.

Mixing up 2D pixel sprites and 3D-modelled environments, ChaoticBrain Studios’ cyberpunk baby will be set after World War III (2053 – there’s still time to write that novel), and humanity in its entirety is shacked up in a single macropolis named Viridis.

As detective Axel McCoin, you’ll switch between the two main cities that make up Viridis, rebelling against ‘the injustices caused by the social separation between the two cities’. Key features will include:

  • Neon Blood unviels an elaborate and deep story with a cyberpunk theme that serves as a thread to tell the story of Axel and the relationships he will establish throughout his adventure.  
  • Character interaction and exploration will lead the Axel through the micropolis of Viridis revealing the different realities of the two cities to players. 
  • Neon Blood has been been created using stunning 2.5D visuals, based on the use of 2D sprites in PixelArt with 3D-modelled environments, maintaining an aesthetic differentiation between the 2D characters and the 3D environments. 
  • Explore the two deeply contrasting cities with markedly different aesthetics – the futuristic sc-fi cityscape of Bright City and dark, gritty cyberpunk inspired Blind City. 
  • Use the investigative skills of detective Axel McCoin to reveal the dark secrets of Viridis and set in motion a revolution that could destroy the foundations of society. 

Here’s what it looks like thus far:

Neon Blood is set for the PC, PlayStation, Xboxeses and the Nintendo Switch in 2023. As and when more info drips through, I’ll let ya know.