Not A Hero Super Snazzy Edition Switch Review

Not A Hero - Vote Bunnylord

Holy *@!£ this Not A Hero Super Snazzy Edition Switch review is an expletive bomb ready to go off from the outset, and not for snowflakes who tiptoe around grown-up words. Says the person who censored his f-bomb from the opening line. I don’t want Google to penalise me for saying naughty words!

Here’s why I got this game: the screenshots. They looked amusing and (a quick bit of self-indulgent snobbery) I liked the mise-en-scène. How to make a videogame highbrow. Anyway, from the screenshots alone, it looked a little like Katana Zero and in many respects, it’s very much like this game, so before I’m going to go further into my Not A Hero Super Snazzy Edition Switch review, I’m just going to say get it.

It was a while ago that Not A Hero Super Snazzy Edition came out, so I only expect you to be reading this if a) you’re my mum b) you’re thinking of getting in on the Nintendo eShop or c) you’re from the developers Roll7 or uber publishers Devolver Digital. By the way Devolver Digital, I’m not after a job, but feel free to send me review codes. That said, I’m happy to continue to pay for them like Johnny Public.

An Asian themed building, interior shoot-out in Not A Hero Super Snazzy Edition
A reimagining of Kung-Fu Master only with guns

Not A Hero Super Snazzy Edition Switch Review

Going back to the Katana Zero reference, Not A Hero Super Snazzy Edition is much like the trial and error element, only without the time manipulation. Each of the 20+ levels features a few separate challenges to complete such as finding all the carrots, killing enemies within a certain amount of time or rescuing hostages, but you can attempt to do a once-through on each level doing the bare minimum to unlock the next level. There’s even a de-briefing scene after each level, much like the psychiatrist in Katana Zero.

The level designs aren’t on a grand scale, but the gaming mechanics require that you play the duck and cover method; a 2D Gears of War if you will. There isn’t any health to collect but you will regenerate it if you stand still – ideally behind an object allowing you time to heal and also reload. Of course, shooting from cover is advantageous as you’re less likely to get hit, but if you’re facing multiple enemies, there are times when one of them will provide covering fire while the others run right at you. If they get too close though, you can execute them.

To execute an enemy in Not A Hero Super Snazzy Edition you need to be standing next to them. Occasionally this will happen if you exit a doorway as they just so happen to be walking past, but mostly it will mean you doing a sliding tackle, knocking to them to the floor and while they’re stunned, blast them for an insta-kill. If you need to reload, your chosen character will instead stomp on them until death. Awww.

Not A Hero Super Snazzy Edition Switch review - blood fest
Explosive meat bags. Well, most likely they were shot…

Infinite Ammo And Reloading Fannies

Ammo is infinite, but you need to reload accordingly. While there are power-ups like explosive bullets entitled the Fatboy, plus secondary items like grenades, molotovs and cat bombs, the weapons you’re awarded are usually exclusive to the character you’ve chosen. For example, Cletus and Mike have shotguns which are second to none when in close quarters, but when it comes to range and reloading, it’s a bit of a pig. Then again, characters like Ronald Justice who wields a hammer may just have the edge on close-range attacks.

The humour is very British, and the character you start with is much like a Danny Dyer type named Steve. The dialogue for each of the characters is ruddy brilliant – think a more mature version of Worms, a classic Team17 title, the team who apparently published the Xbox version of Not A Hero. To have a character like Cletus call me a fanny for not reloading was marvellous, and wouldn’t be out of place in a regiment of worms, albeit, filth-speak ones.

Is it worth mentioning the story, if any? Sure. You work for a giant purple rabbit named Bunnylord. He needs to be elected as mayor to prevent the apocalypse, but as a politician, can’t risk getting his hands dirty so sends you in to wipe out the numerous gangs preventing him from winning. I say he can’t take the risk, but I have to add the bonus missions in Not A Hero Super Snazzy Edition where he runs about with an AK47 and a baseball bat. Hilarity ensues.

A helicopter battle in Not A Hero Super Snazzy Edition
Bringing a spoon to a chopper fight in Not A Hero Super Snazzy Edition

Damn SWAT Ruins Everything

Not A Hero Super Snazzy Edition isn’t a complicated game, but it’s pretty difficult. I started out trying to unlock everything in each level but as the challenges increased, I opted out and just tried to finish the missions. If you successfully complete each challenge, you gain a percentage of approval from the Bunnylord and with each set increment, you unlock a new character. Each character has their quirks, but the majority of the time I stuck with the opening character, Steve, as I just found him to be a good all-rounder – specifically as he can shoot long distances where Cletus and Mike cannot. Whereas Jesus can get to an enemy faster than a bullet. Not the Jesus, but Spanish Jesus.

At the time of writing (13:32) I haven’t unlocked everything as it’s pretty tight and you need to more or less get perfect scores. I’m not that kind of a gamer, but Not A Hero Super Snazzy Edition is entertaining enough to warrant these miserable attempts at not being hit by anyone or finishing a stage in 40 seconds. It’s the heavy hitters like fellow shotgun grunts or helicopter face-offs that are quite testing as they can often one-hit-kill you, but the hardest part for me was SWAT. They abseil from the choppers three or four at a time but keep coming back. In one of the Bunnylord stages, I did perfectly well until SWAT arrived and I could no longer kick a door down fast enough without being gunned down.

There are nine characters to unlock and plenty of challenges in the standalone game. With the additional bonus campaigns, you’re thrown straight into the action with the Bunnylord and as hard as it is, it’s a lot of fun beating someone down with a baseball bat while playing a six-foot-plus anthropomorphic bunny from the future. It’s kind of makes it all ok to be violent and shout words like fizzle sticks. Isn’t it?

Check out the trailer below: