Ocean's Heart Coming To The Switch Next Month

Ocean's Heart - Boot boat
Boot boat? Source: Steam

If you thought that the only Zelda game you could play on your Switch was something from the Zelda franchise, consider picking up Ocean’s Heart next month. Ok, it’s not Zelda, but Zelda-esque.

Developed by Max Mraz, this RPG adventure is a swashbuckling affair – no pirate romance, but Blackbeard is in it, but he’s not Tilia, our hero’s type.

You might know my stance on pixel art games, but Ocean’s Heart is one of the best (with a fantastic soundtrack, too), and is so firmly logged to the memory banks that I mentioned it in the Flynn: Son of Crimson review.

Here’s the trailer:

I reviewed Ocean’s Heart on Steam, and it was ace. However, carrying around Tilia in your pocket without so much as a raised eyebrow is the way to go. Out on the Switch from the 10th of February.