Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD Out Now. In HD

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD Out Now. In HD
Source: PR

Released 17 years ago, Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD is now available on both the PlayStation and Xbox and is just as relevant now as it was then.

Fusing a shooter, platformer and puzzler with a hint of pasta (that is, the spaghetti western), you play as Stranger – a vagabond wandering the wastelands of Western Mudos.

Your job in Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD is to hunt down fugitives and bring them in dead or alive with their signature live critter ammo. What’s so special about this version? Apart from being able to play on your current console of choice, it has the following tassels:

  • 12 hours of storytime
  • 5+ extra hours of side missions
  • dramatically improved audio
  • improved shadow maps
  • full 4k 60 fps

Here’s the Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD launch trailer:

Out now on PS4/5 and the Xboxeseses, you’ll be able to pick it up for $19.99 without bringing any bounties in. Here’s a link to the official site.