Tunes From The Exes, Of Bird And Cage Out Now

Of Bird and Cage release date
Source: PR

What does that mean ‘tunes from the exes’? The opener for Of Bird and Cage says it features power metal from artists from ex-Guns N’ Roses. Slash? Duff? Nope: Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal. 

But look at some of the other references, and you’ll see ex-Evanescence and ex-Kamelot, ex-King Diamond, and artists from Symphony X and Gunned Down Horses. Not too shabby, eh?

The music is significant in Of Bird and Cage, though – it’s a ‘dark, twisted game specifically tailored to its music‘ with a two-hour story of trauma, violence, and madness based on Beauty and the Beast (but no Disney songs).

You play Gitta Barbot – a 25-year-old drug addict who tries to escape their captor, Bres Lupus. You’ll need to make quick decisions with dire consequences, opening up new paths based on your actions.

Check out Of Bird and Cage’s trailer below:

Out now on PS4 and Xbox One from All iN! Games.