One Flew Into The Cuckoo's Nest DLC - It's FREE!

The Darkside Detective A Fumble In The Dark - Carnies
A couple of clowns. Source: Screen capture

Just because you’ve got your finger on the pulse and already know about One Flew Into The Cuckoo’s Nest DLC for The Darkside Detective: A Fumble In The Dark is out now doesn’t mean everyone else does. Looking at me…

Spooky Doorway’s detective duo are back, and this time it’s three free bonus cases, as well as Chinese localisation. How much will this new adventure set you back? Haven’t I used ‘free’ in this post enough? It’s free.

Here’s the latest trailer for One Flew Into The Cuckoo’s Nest DLC:

That’s quite a short post, right? Well yeah, I’m surprised you’re still reading. Go download it! Not got the Darkside Detective: A Fumble In The Dark yet? Read the review, or check out the walkthroughs.