One Hand Clapping Release Date

One Hand Clapping Release Date
Source: Steam

I haven’t seen much fanfare on One Hand Clapping (despite the awards), but then again, I don’t communicate much with the outside world and like to hide away in my little hole on the internet, and probably why I enjoyed this indoor karaoke session.

If you’re also a recluse, One Hand Clapping is a game where you control your character with your voice. Fear not: Musk hasn’t laced your water with voice recognition, and Skynet really is fiction. Instead, you plug in your mic and sing, talk or tap the mic to operate devices in this, sort of, platformer.

You can read the review here.

Anyhoo, today’s announcement is the release date, so mark down the 14th of December, add it to your wishlist or Christmas list too.

It’s coming to the following: 

  • Steam
  • Epic Games Store 
  • GOG
  • Stadia
  • PlayStation 4 
  • Xbox One
  • Switch
  • Apple App Store
  • Google Play Store
  • Samsung Galaxy Store

Here’s a One Hand Clapping video for you. It’s 12 seconds long, so pace yourself.