Oniria The Realm of the Three Z A Dreamy Kickstarter Campaign

Oniria The Realm of the Three Z A Dreamy Kickstarter Campaign
Source: D-Realms

Oniria The Realm of the Three Z is an upcoming fantasy world made of dreams in this Kickstarter campaign.

A 3D action platform title from D-Realms that explores childhood dreams in a non-linear manner, you play as Nayati – a boy whose imagination is so vivid, that his bed becomes a doorway to a world where he’s a fearless adventuring adult.

That place is Oniria: a world of dreams, but also nightmares. Oooh… the build-up…

Oniria The Realm of the Three Z - Slash
Slash! Source: D-Realms

As more and more children succumb to their fears, they fuel the nightmares to become stronger, taking them ‘into the worst corners of their subconscious’.

You wouldn’t think that looking at the game, as the fantasy world in Oniria The Realm of the Three Z, the colour palette is vibrant and the kind of place most people want to spend their time. For it’s a land of dreams!

With the Kickstarter campaign, the goal is to reach $40,000 to finish the game within a maximum of a year, and expanding the current team of four. 

Have a look at the trailer for Oniria The Realm of the Three Z below: