Orange Cast Prologue Permanently Available To Play As A Demo On Steam

Orange Cast Prologue Permanently Available To Play As A Demo On Steam
Source: Steam

A quick news piece: Orange Cast Prologue gets a release date – your chance to play the demo of the sci-fi action-adventure title set in the future.

The gist of the game is the fusion between Soviet and Western science fiction where you play an elite space trooper, exploring planets, protecting colonies and meeting the unknown.

Inspired by James S.A. Corey’s The Expanse series, Orange Cast Prologue is being made permanently, available from Team Rez and Valkyrie Initiative, so that you can try out the game before you buy – you know, as demos do.

Orange Cast - Full of Vitamin C
Full of Vitamin C. Source: PR

Orange Cast was at the top of my list for some time but was unable to get the original demo to play, so this renews my interest once more and aim to take a further look before Cyberpunk 2077 finishes downloading.

Orange Cast Prologue is available from the 25th of December and can be downloaded from Steam. The full release is expected in January 2021.