Oribot Rolls Out This Week On Consoles

Oribot Rolls Out This Week On Consoles
Source: Ratalaika Games

I feel like a correspondent for Ratalaika Games as there’s a game being covered every week – they’re so productive! Anyhoo, their latest is Oribot – out this week on consoles.

It’s a game of logic-based puzzles as you move a ball-shaped robot through a series of physics-related locations. You’ll push buttons, activate switches and locate a teleporter to transport to the next area.

Oribot - Tube games
Tube games. Source: Ratalaika Games

I’m getting two scents – Glyph and Kinetic Edge. They’re both compliments, so if Oribot is anywhere as good as those games, this’ll be an indie hit.

Here’s the trailer:

Oribot is out on PS4/5 and Xboxes from the 20th of August, with the Nintendo Switch version to follow slightly later on the 26th of August.