Ostranauts Gets Launch Approval This September

Ostranauts Gets Launch Approval This September
Source: PR

Hitting Early Access this month is Ostranauts is a survival game set within a ravaged solar system.

That’s not how you spell ‘Astronauts’. Ah, it’s a different title altogether… A ‘noir spaceship life simulator’ from Modern Wolf and Blue Bottle Games, surely there isn’t anything as unique as this?

Starting as the captain, you have to design a one-of-a-kind spaceship and manage the crew’s physical and emotional well-being in an attempt to stay alive, salvaging parts to keep the ship functioning.

Ostranauts - Stranger
Stranger things. Source: PR

Sounds a little like Tharsis but without the dice.

Only in Ostranauts you get to customise everything – not just the ship but your character such as name, appearance and how they wish to be identified. But don’t be fooled in thinking it’s a glamorous game as debt plagues your career, so you have to manage resources effectively.

Additional feature include:

  • Fly to different worlds completing tasks, get more tools for characters and parts for the ship
  • Encounter a variety of ship types, makes and models
  • Combat elements – space battle and hand to hand
  • Meeting with other ships – possible hostile encounters (you never know who to trust)

Check out the trailer below:

Ostranauts is out in Early Access for Steam on the 10th of September.