Ghosts And Semiotics - OXENFREE II: Lost Signals Is Out!

OXENFREE II: Lost Signals
Source: Steam

YES! OXENFREE II: Lost Signals is out now on multiple platforms. Did you know? Now you do. Go get it, or if you have no idea what the eff this is, read on for a bit.

Following on from one of the best indies in recent years, this sequel introduces a new character, Riley Poverly, as they revisit their childhood and investigate some haunting signals, ‘but finds something much bigger than she bargained for’.

OXENFREE II: Lost Signals is a different story from the first (but don’t let that stop you from checking it out – especially when massive discounts are offered for a limited time), but Riley’s hometown of Camena is somewhat linked to the first game which was set on Edwards Islands.

Forget the announcement trailer; here’s a recent ‘Looping back to Oxenfree’ feature instead:

I haven’t played OXENFREE II: Lost Signals, but hopeful of a review code this late in the day, but if it’s anything like the first game by Night School Studio, then it’s a must.