Pako Caravan Snakes And Fishtails On The Switch Next Month

Pako Caravan Snakes And Fishtails On The Switch Next Month
Source: PR

Only recently when posting the feature on Steam games to look out for, I mentioned that there aren’t many Micro Machine/Super Skidmarks type games in the ether any more. Well, Pako Caravan may break that drought.

From Tree Men Games, this is a light-hearted action title that borrows from the classic Snake game, perhaps a tiny bit of Snakeybus fused with Micro Machines? Anyhoo, it looks gorg.

With Pako Caravan, the aim of the game is to extend your caravan for as long as possible without crashing into yourself. A slight curveball to this is the caravan can jump, giving a little leeway to avoiding your entourage as it grows.

Pako Caravan - Sinkhole
Sinkhole!! Source: PR

Primarily, Pako Caravan looks like a fun game, and on that basis, I’m sold and want more. What else can you expect in the game?

  • Fill the levels with your ever-growing caravan!
  • 15 levels in various not very realistic locations
  • Cool cars, hundreds of trailers and special tricks in every level
  • 150 tasks to complete
  • Easy controls but hard to master!

Need to see that Micro Machines-like comparison? Here’s a trailer:

Pako Caravan will be available from the 2nd of March on the Nintendo Switch, and if I’m able to cover it, you can bet it’ll be gracing these digital pages.