Pecaminosa Has A Steam Page, Wishlist It Now

Pecaminosa Has A Steam Page, Wishlist It Now
Source: PR

Film noir lovechild Pecaminosa gets an official Steam page. Shop locally, support indie developers – rah, rah, rah! But only do that if it’s worth it, not for the sake of it. This is a game you want to watch out for.

While it’s not magnificent feat to have your own Steam page as a developer, it’s a significant step for Cereal Games as it is ‘one of the first RPGs ever to be developed in the Azores’. I’d like to think you’re pleased for them too, but what does it mean for you?

It means that you can now wishlist Pecaminosa and get notified the moment it’s available before anyone else, unless I can manage to get a scoop before then (yeah, right). If you’re aren’t familiar with this pixel art film noir RPG, let’s cover a few details.

Pecaminosa is a border city between the United States and Mexico, and you play John Souza – a former police officer turned private detective who isn’t shy of downing the odd bottle on the job. His world turns upside down when he’s visited by a ghost who gives him a case of redemption. Not Souza’s, the ghost’s.

Pecaminosa - Hey ladies
Hey, ladies. Source: PR

Interrogate suspects in a city shrouded with crime, accompanied by an atmospheric jazz soundtrack. If you, like most people, aren’t a fan of jazz, check out the other rather excellent detective caper Chicken Police; it’s perfectly suited, as I’m sure it will be here.

Employing RPG characteristics, you can customise Souza’s appearance and equipment using the L.I.F.E. system: Luck, Intelligence, Force and Endurance. You can also take part in card games, visit the booze store and hang out in brothels as any responsible, hard-boiled protagonist should do.

I haven’t played Pecaminosa yet, but I’m excited for it. Aside from the rather excellent premise, the behind the scenes writing by Cereal Games is brilliant and has a real personal touch. If this translates to the game, then we’re in for an indie treat.

Here are some key features of the game:

  • Unique Ambience – Film noir atmosphere with an original jazz soundtrack that will make you fall in love…
  • Mini Games – Want to take home the pot playing Blackjack? Be our guest…The tables are still hot.
  • Guns & Apparel – Customize your character’s weapons and clothing, evolving them through the L.I.F.E. System..
  • Boss Battles – Let’s raise a glass or two to the good old times! Besides taking part in an intense and dashing narrative, you also get to fight against big, bad, bosses!

Some moving pictures, too (an older gameplay trailer):

There isn’t a firm release date set for Pecaminosa just yet, but if you head on over to the brand spanking new Steam page, you’ll be able to wishlist it, with me. We’ll be PI buddies.