Pendula Swing Twirls Up To The Switch

Pendula Swing Twirls Up To The Switch
Source: RedDeerGames

Do RedDeerGames understand the British idea of two buses arriving at the same time, as they’re made another game announcement, this time the upcoming point and click adventure Pendula Swing.

Referring to this as a Tolkien-like fantasy world threw me off immediately – especially when it’s set in a 1920s world with a cast of elves and goblins, and when swing and jazz ruled the world?!

I’m not entirely sure how to interpret Pendula Swing just yet as it sounds like a lifestyle sim to some degree: care for cute animals, go fishing, start several romances and summon the ghost of your ex-wife…

Key features include:

  • Unique setting that mixes fantasy characters with Prohibition-era jazz
  • More than 7 hours of content filled with 160 quests and storylines
  • A variety of characters and progressive dating options 
  • Lots of cute pets! 
  • An original soundtrack full of swing and jazz 

Here’s a Pendula Swing trailer to set it in motion:

Another game without a release date, but… Pendula Swing is coming to the Switch this year, and based on the deets thus far, it’s definitely on my radar.