Have A Heart, Have A Pine Heart In This Friendly Caravan Park Puzzler

Pine Heart Game for Steam
Source: Steam

There’s a heavy flow of cosy little games coming next year, and Hyper Luminal Games and Little Nook’s Pine Heart is likely to be on your wishlist if you think with your heart and feel with your brain. Huh?

Set within a caravan park, this could go entirely the wrong direction, but instead, it’s about a chap named Tyke who sets out to make a refuge and make loads of friends along the way in this cute puzzle game.

Key features include:

  • Make new friends with other adventurers around Caravan Park
  • Explore a thoughtful story about love, life, memories, and family
  • Unlock cool tools and abilities that help unearth the mysteries of Caravan Park
  • Puzzles to be pondered and solved
  • Build sandcastles!
  • Pet so many cute animals!

And if you want to know why this is promoted as ‘heart-tugging’, check out the trailer:

Pine Heart is due to release on Steam in early 2024. A playable demo is available now.