Ponpu Sets Out To Destroy All Traces Of Howard The Duck

Ponpu Sets Out To Destroy All Traces Of Howard The Duck
Source: Zordix

Easily one of the best looking games out next month, Ponpu appears to be the go-to party game at that, having a slight resemblance to the almighty Bomberman, in terms of gameplay.

From developer Purple Tree Studio and publisher Zordix, you play Ponpu – a herald of the all-seeing Duck God, sent for the divine destruction of the Earth. 

Unfortunately, the history books have lied and every two billion years said Duck God sends a messenger to put Earth’s inhabitants back into check by destroying them. Fortunately, Ponpu suffers a slight concussion on their arrival and loses their memory, thus going against the Duck God.

Ponpu - Bomber
Looks like a famous bomber title (a good thing!). Source: Zordix

As a single-player campaign, there are over ten challenging worlds to explore, each with their associative boss, but it can be a multiplayer event too with up to four players.

Opt for either local or online over three modes that include:

  • Coin Chase – collect the coins before your opponents.
  • Colour Fight – cover the level in your own definitive coloured paint.
  • Team Deathmatch – for the purists.

Ponpu will be available next month, so here’s a trailer to whet your appetite:

Out on the 5th of November, so you’ll remember it, Ponpu will be available on the PS4, PC, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.