Rain On Your Parade DLC Unleashed From The Heavens This Month

Rain On Your Parade DLC Unleashed From The Heavens This Month
Source: Screen capture

I hate to rain on your parade, but if you’re still working through the game of the same name, you’re going to have to catch up as Rain On Your Parade DLC will be out this month on PC.

Launched back in April of this year, Rain On Your Parade has you play a mischievous cardboard cloud causing all sorts of misery to the world’s population. Stuff ’em – you’re a cloud, and you can do what you like.

I played this a while back, and it was quite the standout. Perhaps one was influenced by the custom cloud feature of dressing them up and drawing a bespoke face had something to do with it? Well, the new DLC features new hats, spoofs and developer commentaries, if that’s your bag.

Here’s the Rain On Your Parade DLC trailer, fresh:

Rain On Your Parade DLC is additional content for the base game. You’ve got to have that first, silly. Here’s a link to the Steam page.