What's With The Long Face? Horse Bidding In Ranch Simulator

What's With The Long Face? Horse Bidding In Ranch Simulator
What are you - chickens? Source: Steam

Horsin’ around and all that jazz, today is the day of the hippos, what with Rustler feating lots of horse-like shenanigans, now Ranch Simulator adds to the mix with a new update.

What could that update be? Really – you’re thinking? It’s a horse update, of course! So, yeah, today we’ll be able to bid for horses at an auction house. Apparently, it’s one of the most requested animals. I guess the liger is a little bit too ambitious.

A horse
A horse, yesterday. Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Horses in Ranch Simulator will have various stats that include stamina, speed, handling and health. Unfortunately, that’s all they’re good for and aren’t reliable as a tank in your next MMO raid, but still – they’re here, and they’re here for good.

What’s more, to celebrate the update and all things horses, Toxic Dog and Excalibur Games are offering a 20% discount. It ends on the 7th of September, so you have a bit of time or no time at all, depending on when you read this. Hurry up.