Rangok Skies Demo Available During PAX X EGX

Rangok Skies Demo Available During PAX X EGX
Source: PR

Upcoming Rangok Skies is a retro shoot ’em upcoming in late 2020/early 2021 from publisher Digerati.

Heading to the Switch, PlayStation 4 and Steam, this shooter is a game developed by Samurai Games with an ‘old school challenge’, taking inspiration from DoDonPachiGunbird and Strikers 1945.

In line with the current PAX X EGX event, a Rangok Skies demo is currently available on Steam for the duration of the event featuring three of the four playable characters, a ship with dedicated attacks and an online leaderboard.

Rangok Skies - Marco
Polo. Source: PR

As well as co-op play, here are the following Rangok Skies features:

  • Choose your pilot: Four different characters, each with their own unique ship, weapons, bombs, and story endings
  • Solo Mode: Start with three lives and three continue credits, and try to beat the game!
  • Online rankings: Which leaderboard you’re ranked on – Terminators, Masters, Heroes, or Babies – is determined by lives lost, continues used, and score
  • Auto-Shoot Accuracy: Hold down fire to slow your ship and enable more precise movements
  • Special Weapons: For targeted mass destruction of most enemies and bullets
  • Mega Bombs: Inflict screen-clearing devastation, perfect for tight situations
  • Collect mini-items and rewards: Increase firepower, charge the Mega Bomb meter, boost your score
  • Five intense stages: Each with their own enemies and huge end-of-level boss
  • Local Co-op Mode: Play with a friend and defeat Lord Rangok together
  • TATE Mode (縦): Supports turning your monitor vertically for the full arcade experience

… and a trailer too:


Pick up the demo until the end of PAX X EGX, or wait patiently. You’ve been advised.