A Noir Punk Action Adventure? Time To Reach For Your Gunbrella

Source: Steam

In a world ravaged by corporations where its inhabitants rely on a rapidly depleting resource, a gruff woodsman heads out for answers, armed with a Gunbrella.

That’s right, folks – the woodman’s brolly doubles up as a high-caliber firearm, allowing them to blast away gang members while navigating the world through glides, swings and dashes.

In Gunbrella, you’ll take on a cult, salvage items for crafting and upgrading your gear, and even conjure supernatural agents. It says here, “…you’ll need all the help you can get”. 

Watch the trailer here:

Gunbrella is set for a release via Steam on the 13th of September 2023 – not a Friday – and priced at $14.99. Pre-order now, and you get doinksoft’s previous title, Gato Roboto, for free.